New personal record of 400.2 yards / 209 mph Ball Speed with Proxima 4X.proxima golf2024년 4월 24일최종 수정일: 2024년 4월 25일Name : Woojin KimNickname : Draw Jin " New personal record of 400.6 yards / 207.9 mph Ball Speed with Proxima 4X.Aiming for KLDGA on 2024.05.19 "
Name : Woojin KimNickname : Draw Jin " New personal record of 400.6 yards / 207.9 mph Ball Speed with Proxima 4X.Aiming for KLDGA on 2024.05.19 "
"It's the closest thing to feeling automatic that I have felt." id : Strugglingpro I also got to test the Proxima 6x. It has been in my ping driver for at least 5 months now, and has been a...